Nov 16, 2010
DePaul Hosts Conference Examining Sharp Disparity in Latino Preschool Access
DePaul Hosts Conference Examining Sharp Disparity in Latino Preschool Access
Latino children in Illinois are far less likely to attend preschool due to a pronounced lack of options in preschools in Latino neighborhoods, according to a study released at a DePaul University conference Tuesday.
The program, titled “Illinois as a Trailblazer: Bilingual and Dual-Language Learning,” examined the study’s findings and the latest research on bilingual education, new data on Illinois Latino children’s preschool enrollment rates and cognitive outcomes, and Illinois’ new pre-K mandate.
“The conference brought to the forefront the education issues of Latinos not only in Illinois but in the nation,” said Sonia Soltero, associate professor of bilingual-bicultural education in DePaul’s School of Education, who spoke at the conference.
The conference was organized by the Latino Policy Forum and The New Journalism on Latino Children Project and funded by the McCormick Foundation and the Leadership, Language and Curriculum Department in DePaul’s School of Education.
Links to media stories on the conference:
Chicago Sun-Times:
Chicago Tribune:
Sonia Soltero