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Sep 26, 2007

DePaul To Celebrate Jewish Festival Of The Tabernacles With A Sukkah Decorating Ceremony Set For Sept. 26th

WHO: The Jewish Law Student Society (Decalogue Society) and DePaul Ministry

WHAT: Will commemorate the Jewish Sukkot Holiday with a sukkah decorating ceremony

WHEN: Noon, Sept. 26

WHERE: DePaul Center, 1 E. Jackson Blvd., 11th Floor Deck.


The Festival of the Tabernacles, or Sukkot, is a Jewish festival that is celebrated in the fall each year. It is one of three major Jewish holidays that are known collectively as the Shalosh Regalim, or three pilgrim festivals. The sukkah symbolizes the type of huts in which the ancient Israelites lived while wandering the desert for 40 years after their Exodus from Egypt. The sukkah is intended to reflect God’s benevolence in providing for all the Jews’ needs while they wandered in the desert. According to tradition, the sukkah is used for meals throughout the Sukkot holiday and can be built from any materials, although its roof must be constructed of totally organic materials.

The sukkah decorating ceremony at DePaul is open to the public and will offer members of the DePaul community the opportunity to decorate the interior and exterior of the sukkah. For more information, contact Tom Judge, chaplain, DePaul University Ministry, at 312/362-6699 or ###