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Feb 26, 2007

DePaul University Business Students To Raise The Roof With Drums And Bells During Innovative Teamwork Lesson Feb. 27

WHO:    Ninety-five DePaul University undergraduate business students…

WHAT:    Will beat drums, jangle bells and clack sticks during an innovative lecture and large drum circle exercise that uses rhythm to learn about management. The class will be conducted by Patrick J. Murphy, assistant management professor, and drummer Rick Neuhaus, a rhythm expert and founding member of Dahui, a West African-style drum ensemble.

WHERE:    Room 8005, DePaul Center, 1 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago

WHEN:    TUESDAY, FEB. 27, 8:30 a.m. TO 10 a.m.

Background:    During the class, groups of students performing on a variety of drums and percussion instruments representing functional areas of a business organization and its leadership will learn how to keep the beat as individual performers while coordinating as an ensemble. “It’s a wild, loud unforgettable lesson about teamwork and group dynamics that allows students to grasp organizational management through the metaphor of music,” said Murphy.

Contact:    Media interested in covering the class should contact Robin Florzak, DePaul Media Relations: 312/362-8592 or