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Apr 05, 2005

Ed Ward Roast And Benefit Attracts 350 And Raises Funds For DePaul School Of Music

Actor Tim Kazurinsky and Violinist Rachel Barton Pine Among Performers

More than 350 members of Chicago’s music, education and union communities gathered on St. Patrick’s Day eve to roast, toast and celebrate Ed Ward, president emeritus of the Chicago Federation of Musicians (CFM) at Plumber’s Hall in Chicago. Actor/comedian/writer Tim Kazurinsky, former cast member of NBC’s “Saturday Night Live,” hosted the event, which featured performances and tributes from violinist Rachel Barton Pine and an all-star orchestra of Chicago musicians. Ward was the subject of good-natured ribbing from a series of speakers including Dennis Gannon, Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL) president.

The benefit honored Ward’s 20 years of service to the CFM – including nine as the musician union’s local president – and raised more than $21,000 to establish the Ed Ward/CFM Performance Fund at his alma mater, DePaul University’s School of Music. The fund will bring CFM musicians to DePaul to perform for, and with, students studying at the nationally recognized Lincoln Park music school. The event was co-chaired by the school’s dean Donald Casey, and bandleader Rich Daniels, a DePaul alumnus. It was sponsored by the CFM, American Federation of Musicians International, the CFL and the School of Music.

Ward announced late last year that he would not seek a fourth term as president of CFM, the 3,500-member local musicians union that represents Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Lyric Opera of Chicago Orchestra as well as show, studio and commercial recording musicians in Chicago. Prior to becoming president in 1996, he served as secretary-treasurer and vice president. Ward’s accomplishments included increasing CFM’s solvency and effectiveness through financial improvements; modernizing the union’s offices; negotiating contracts with the CSO, Lyric Opera and others to provide musicians with top wages; and forming strong relationships with Chicago’s labor community and the AFM that have increased recognition and respect for the CFM.

People interested in contributing to the Ed Ward/CFM Performance Fund can contact Melanie Dykstra in DePaul’s Advancement Office at 312/362-5214.

Photos from the Ed Ward roast and benefit:

Donald Casey, benefit co-chair and DePaul School of Music dean, and Ed Ward listen to the speakers who roasted and celebrated Ward

The guest of honor, Ed Ward, and benefit host Tim Kazurinsky

Ward thanks violinist Rachel Barton Pine for a performance in his honor

Ed Ward's nephew Dr. Ed Ward and son Tom Ward help roast Ed

An all-star orchestra of Chicago Federation of Musicians members, led by Rich Daniels, performed for Ed Ward

Benefit co-chair Rich Daniels (right) presents Ward with a plaque honoring his achievements

A St. Patrick’s Day theme was featured at the benefit