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Nov 27, 2000

DePaul To Sponsor Technology Business Delegation To Greece

DePaul University’s Richard Driehaus Center for International Business invites Chicago-area executives to join a select delegation that will explore technology business opportunities in Athens, Greece, from Feb. 10 to 17, 2001.

“The information technology market in Greece is expected to reach $1.53 billion by 2001, making Greece the home of one of the fastest growing information technology industries in southeastern Europe,” said Mark Sullivan, coordinator of the program. “Greece also is considered a logical gateway to markets in the European Union and Balkan countries where technology business activities are booming. Businesses with an interest in entering or increasing their presence in the Greek marketplace, or the emerging markets in the surrounding area, won’t want to miss this opportunity for first-hand access. ”

The program is tailored for U.S. executives whose firms provide e-commerce-related Internet services, software development and specialized hardware. Harold Anagnos, the CEO of Lumex, Inc, and a former chairman of the Midwest Chapter of the American Electronics Association, will lead the delegation. Headquartered in Palatine, Ill, Lumex is a leading designer, manufacturer and distributor of photo electronic components and devices.

The delegation’s agenda offers access to major service providers and software developers in Greece, an introduction to private and public organizations that facilitate American-Greek business and exposure to Greece/COMDEX 2001, the region’s most important information technology trade show.

Activities have been arranged to provide participants with an understanding of technology issues related to Greece and the surrounding region, and an appreciation of Greek culture and business practices. Participants also have the option of arranging private business meetings through the Gold Key Service, a customized program offered by the Commercial Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce for export-ready U.S. companies.

The delegation is partially funded by a U.S. Department of Education grant to DePaul’s Driehaus Center, which enabled the center to launch the International Business Seminar Series, a series of one-week trips to foreign markets. The goal is to offer executives a chance to travel abroad to gain practical knowledge about doing business in foreign countries. The trips are led by industry leaders and DePaul faculty members who are authorities in their fields and have executive-level experience working for international business organizations.

DePaul is co-organizing the trip with the Chicago Sister Cities program, Lumex, Inc., American Electronics Association Midwest Chapter and ATMEL Corporation. The deadline is January 5, 2001 for applying to join the delegation to Greece, called “Bringing High Tech to the Old World Athens: Technology Gateway to Southeast Europe.” For more information on this program and others, visit DePaul’s International Business Seminar Series Web site or call (312)362-8474.